He put an Aggie ring on it.


I am so freaking proud of you. You work harder than anyone else I know and I'm so grateful for you. Enjoy this day and enjoy your ring, you deserve it!

For those of you who are slightly unaware for what the aggie ring means, it is super traditional. I have picked up a few things as an aggie's sister and an aggie's girlfriend about the importance of the ring. In fact, I would say everything is traditional for aggies, but especially that ring. It is a symbol of pride, excellence, and aggieland. Aggies all over the world proudly wear their ring and it provides instant connections to strangers.

Check this out for what the aggies have to say about this tradition. I personally just think it is a beautiful sense of unity that tries all aggies together.

I know that Forrest is one happy camper right now. I can't believe this day is here and that we are getting close to graduation? Is is really that fast? WHAT? But in all seriousness, here's to you and your amazing life and accomplishments. I can not wait to see what The Lord has in store for you. You are going to do great things and I'm so proud of you. In a quote that from One Tree Hill, "It's you, when all my dreams come true the person I want standing next to me, it is you, Forrest, it has always been you." 

Happy Aggie Ring Day!

heart all of you,


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