Cassidy Confessions

Well y'all, I have been called out. I realize that my blog posting has been minimal and I will explain in a later blog post but I have been super busy. It happens I guess. 

Apparently, Ms. Make the Day Bright misses me on my blog, and wants me to participate in this thing called confession Friday. I'm a day late and a buck short but what else is new, right?

Confession #1: this post is solely for Cassidy Chesser. Her blog is phenominal and I suggest everyone follow her. Because she is awesome. 

Confession #2: I love my dog. Is this not news to you? Well, then is is a reminder. Haha my dog, Lady, is my little princess and I am so blessed to have raised her from a puppy to now. I got her when I was in kindergarten and I'm now a junior in college. She grew up with me. 

Confession #3: I really love accounting. There I said it. I am a nerd and I don't care who knows it. I literally get so excited when people tell me they are accountants or want to be one. What can I say? Numbers make me happy. 

Confession #4: I have watched Frozen three times this week. Haha well at least it is an inspiring story about sisterhood. Except I don't have a sister. Haha oops 

Confession #5: I have an unnatural love for Sam's Club. It is literally the best place in the entire world and any and every excuse to go there is absolute valid. If you don't have a membership, stop whatever you are doing, including reading this and go and get one. 

Well cass, I hope your day is better now. Love you!


  1. Yes, those were very sufficient confessions! Thank you, and I shall continue to call you out if you insist on disappearing from my life ;) so just don't try! Love you!



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