The Final Countdown

Hey students,

Yeah, you with the free pizza in your hand that is procrastinating studying for, duh DUH DUHHHHH, finals. Yeah, I know that they are terrible and stressful. However, you can do it. They are just temporary pains that all students must endure that eventually lead to exponential benefits in the future.

So, with that being said, I am going to write a letter to all my fellow students out there that are sleep deprived and consider coffee an excellent replacement and a sincere best friend (if anyone wanted to bring me coffee, I take it with two creams and two sugars, thanks).

Hi guys,

Welcome to a week filled with challenges and a time when studying for a test becomes more important then most things. But have faith, because you will get through the week and you will come out on the other side. 

First of all, remember this, grades are not a reflection of who you are or what your character is. They are just a grade. Your GPA, while important to do your best, will not matter in ten years down the line. Now, I am not saying to not do your best, because you should always do your absolute best, but don't let your GPA define who you are as an individual. 

Second, friends are a beautiful thing. They are going through it with you. Study with them. Some of my best memories come from studying with friends during finals week. We are all tired and we are having a blast. Also, I would do so much better on the test because I had associations with the material based on my friends. An even better perk, the mischief you get into while "taking a break" is rather amusing. So after your final, if you and your friends decide tacos from a sketchy taco truck sounds better than studying for the next final, so be it. 

Third, productivity saves time. Wait, what? So you sit down to study and suddenly you find yourself on the internet stalking your best friend's, sister's, boyfriend's cat. You start thinking how strange it is that your best friend's, sister's, boyfriend's cat has a facebook page. Suddenly, you are exhausted from thinking about this foolishness and instantly you have convinced yourself a nap is necessary to the success of your final. (Yeah I know, it happens to the best of us). Then, you are woken up to realize you know nothing other than that snuggles is "in a relationship with cuddles" and your test is in two hours, so you cram and take the test. You do ehh, okay. However, if you would have studied and not procrastinated, you would have done phenomenal, and saved yourself from worry. 

Finally, remember that when it is all over and you graduate, you will be done, have a degree and looking forward to a great life. Besides, if you are anything like me, you are too close now to stop and might as well just keep going to get to the end. It is worth it. You can do it. You are smart and capable. I leave you with two verse of encouragement, Acts 20:24 "However, I consider my life nothing to me; my aim is only to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying to the Good News of God's grace." God's grace is sufficient for you and He is with you during this time, He has brought you to it, and he will see you through it. Also, Timothy 4:6-8 "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future their is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award me on that day; and not only to me, but also to al who have loved his appearing." Keep going and keep the faith. You are so close to the end of the semester. Finish strong.  

A college student

I hope you enjoyed that letter, that being said, I would like to formally announced that I have finished finals and I am moving on up in the world.

And if that doesn't motivate you, this will.

love you all,
a seriously tired blogger with accounting information up to her eyeballs


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