Office Life Lately

Hello lovelies,

So, in the month of May, I have experienced a lot. For one, I quit my job. Yeah, I know. I am now no longer a legal assistant or a cheerleading coach. Both jobs I had when I started this blog. I will say this, it was hard to leave, and I am so grateful for the experiences and opportunities that those jobs brought me. I am sad that I have to leave being a legal assistant but very excited for where the future is leading me. And that is to an accounting college learner job with a large oil and gas company. 

WHOOHOOO. Welcome to corporate America. Yesterday was my first day and all I can say is that I am so excited to have this opportunity with this amazing company. My boss and co-workers are so kind and I feel so welcomed. The Lord is so faithful and provides opportunities that I could have never imagined and I am forever grateful for my AMAZING God. I am so ready to conquer the challenges of this new job. 

That being said, I have been thinking about office supplies lately, and realized that there is some pretty awesome office supplies. So I am going to show you my current office supplies obsessions.

This candle by Kate Spade: I literally don't even know what it smells like but it is just so adorable, it would light up any office space.

These erasers by Kate Spade: As an accounting major, erasers have a special place in my heart. Let's get real, we use them more often than we care to admit. So these are so adorable, pulling it out to erase an entire page or two would almost make you forget that you messed that entire part up. It happens...

This journal by Kate Spade: Okay, I actually have this journal in black and it says, "Leave something to the imagination" and I love it. However, then I saw this one and that it tells me to eat cake for breakfast and it is pink, I just couldn't resist. I love and highly recommend it!

These push-pins by Kate Spade: I have a task board in my office and when I saw these about six months ago for the first time, I knew that one day I was going to put them to good use. That day is today, y'all.

This agenda by Lilly Pulitzer: Who doesn't need an agenda? Right? So you might as well get a fabulous one and make sure it is this one. Not only is it colorful and adorable, the little encouragements embedded in the agenda make it so pleasing to look at on busy days.

Finally, I went on pinterest and found some adorable office set ups that I would love to have in my home office one day. The following is what I discovered: 

Well, that's all folks,


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